
We are glad to welcome you at the website of the Clinical Trial Management Society, Hungary (CTMS, Hungary)

Our Society is a non-governmental organization made up of a good part of hundreds of colleagues working at investigational sites, pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations (“CROs”, companies involved in organizing clinical trials), in the academia or at authorities, or working on their own as freelancers. CMTS, Hungary was established in 2001 in order to create a forum for experts involved in clinical trials.

We utilize and share the experience gathered during these nearly two decades, furthermore we organize different initiatives (e.g. national clinical trial registry, university CRA training, congresses and expert forums covering topics related to clinical trials). By doing so, we would like to contribute to further enhance the professional and ethical standard of domestic clinical trials, the legal environment and the personnel conditions available in Hungary, so that these shall reach such a high standard that allows our homeland to maintain its global and regional high esteem in the field of clinical trials, and that we shall stay worthy of trust of the patients, who are the most important stakeholders in trials.

Our Society is the member of the Association of Hungarian Medical Societies and maintains strategic partnership with several scientific and professional societies involved in this sector, for example the Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, thus being active in several fields of expertise. As such, besides promoting our profession’s interests, acting together with authority and institutional partners in terms of lawmaking, keeping contact with patient advocates, university training, high standard expert training and international relations, we offer a continuous professional forum for the involved clinical trial experts which is independent from individual and company interests.

Should you be interested in any of the topics mentioned above, or should you be involved in clinical trials by any means, please visit other pages of our website as well.

For additional information, or in case you have a suggestion, please contact us via the following e-mail address: titkarsag@mkvt.hu
Wishing that you will find useful information on our site, with best regards:

Kálmán Törőcsik M.D. President
on behalf of the Board of Clinical Trial Management Society Hungary

Kálmán Törőcsik M.D. President


Contact     What we do     Objectives of the society      Working groups     Consolidated articles of Association     For Patients     For Hospitals     For Principal Investigators